Our iron solutions: from ore to cure

Our commitment to quality is exemplified in this informative video.

“Transforming rock into iron dust”, describes why we choose iron ore as starting material for our iron solutions rather than iron chloride. It's a fascinating journey that explains our approach.

Watch it now and discover more!

Our supply chain: agility in action

Our supply chain is resilient and agile, thanks to our decades of experience in providing iron therapies and our established partnerships with contracts and a large network. In addition, as part of our commitment to providing late-stage customization and the flexibility to meet small scale requirements, we have established a manual and automated packaging line.

Our supply chain: agility in Action

CSL Vifor: committed to patient’s health

Patients are at the center of everything we do. With our expertise in iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia and in the areas of heart failure, kidney disease, gastroenterology and inflammatory bowel disease, patient blood management and women's health, we strive to help patients to live better, healthier lives.

Get in touch About CSL Vifor

CSL Vifor: committed to patient’s health